Artificial intelligence spotted inventing its own creepy language
No one can understand the language that an artificial intelligence software has created. OpenAI is a company that creates artificial intelligence systems; their programs are amazing instances of supercomputing. At the same time, they have a few flaws. DALLE-E2 is OpenAI’s newest AI system and also it can create realistic or creative visuals from text descriptions given by the user.
DALLE-E2 is a watershed moment in machine learning; The software “learned the link between photos; The language used to explain them,” according to OpenAI’s website.
Toggling various keywords will result in different pictures, styles, and subjects. A DALLE-E2 presentation contains interactive keywords for visiting visitors; to experiment with and produce images — toggling different keywords will result in different images, styles, and subjects.
However, the system has an odd behavior; it creates its own language out of random letter combinations, and experts aren’t sure why.
DALLE-mysterious E2’s new language was detailed in a Twitter thread by Giannis Daras which is a computer science Ph.D. student at the University of Texas.
Daras instructed DALLE-E2 to build a picture of “farmers conversing about veggies,” which the computer achieved; but the farmers’ conversation was mistranslated as “vicootes” — an unknown AI term.

Daras re-entered “vicootes” into the DALLE-E2 system and received photos of vegetables in return.
“Then we feed the terms ‘Apoploe vesrreaitars,’ and we get birds,” says the researcher. Daras expressed himself on Twitter.
“It appears that the farmers are discussing birds tampering with their crops!”
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A article on DALLE-“hidden E2’s vocabulary” was written by Daras and a co-author.
They admit that requesting DALLE-E2 to produce images of words; for example, Daras’ command “an image of the word airplane” and usually results in DALLE-E2 spewing “gibberish language.”
When the nonsense language is fed back into DALLE-E2; pictures of airplanes appear, which reveals something about how DALLE-E2 communicates with and thinks of itself.
DALLE-nonsense E2’s text, according to some AI experts, is “random noise.”
Hopefully, we won’t find out after it’s too late; at the same time that the DALLE-second E2’s language had a security weakness that should patch.