5 Reasons Why You Must Get a Pure Sine Wave Inverter for Your Home
One of the most pertinent questions that people get asked when looking for an inverter is whether they want to buy a sine wave inverter or a square wave inverter. Most people have no clue about how the two inverters are different from each other, and so most of them go with what the shopkeeper or the seller advises them. That, however, is not the right approach. instead of blindly trusting the seller one should first find out how the two inverter types differ from each other.
If you, too, are planning to buy an inverter and have no clue whether to buy a pure sine wave inverter or a square wave inverter, in this post, we give you five key benefits of buying a pure sine wave inverter. But before that let us first find out what exactly an inverter does and how do the two inverters types differ from each other.
What is the main function of an inverter?
As we know the electricity that we receive from the grid is in the form of Alternate Current (or AC). The charge that gets stored in the inverter battery is in the form of DC energy. But our home appliances run on Alternating Current (or AC). And therefore, we need an inverter to convert the DC energy stored in the battery to AC before supplying it to the home electrical appliances.
The difference between Sine Wave and Square Wave Inverters
Image source – www.zelect.in/inverter/square-wave-inverter-vs-sine-wave-inverter
The main difference between pure sine wave and square wave inverters lies in the output of the two inverters. Refer to the above image and the two waveforms shown in the image – Sine and Square. The Sine waveform represents how an ideal AC output should look like. The square waveform on the other hand does have fluctuations but it is far from how an alternating current actually flows. That’s exactly the difference between pure sine wave and square wave inverters. While a pure sine wave inverters deliver an output(waveform) that’s quite close to how an AC output is, a square wave inverter’s output (waveform) is nowhere close to an AC output.
Reasons Why Pure Sine Wave Inverters are Preferred Over Square Wave Inverters
- Minimal Power Loss
As discussed above pure sine wave inverters offer the most efficient conversion of the power (stored in the batteries) to alternating current. On the other hand square wave inverters result in a substantial loss of power when converting the stored power to AC.
- Ideal for sensitive appliances
As we can see from the above image representing the sine and square waveforms, the voltage fluctuation is very smooth in the case of sine wave inverters whereas the voltage fluctuations in a square wave inverter are sharp and abrupt. So if you want to run voltage-sensitive home appliances then you should go with a pure sine wave inverter.
- Reduced noise
Another benefit of using sine wave inverters is that sine wave inverters reduce the electrical noise in electrical devices such as fluorescent lights, fans, TV, audio amplifiers, and audio amplifiers.
- Lower energy bills
Pure sine wave inverters are more efficient than square wave inverters. As a result power loss is minimal in pure sine wave inverters which in turn leads to lower energy consumption and reduced energy bills.
- Low harmonic distortions
Electronic devices such as computer monitors, printers, and scanners require minimal harmonic distortion. If operated on square wave inverters, they run the risks of a sudden crash and unexpected glitches. It is, therefore recommended to use pure wave inverters for such devices as the sine wave has very little harmonic distortion.
Want to buy a sine wave inverter?
If you are looking for a sine wave inverter, we suggest that you should buy from a reputable brand like Luminous India. They are one of the most trusted names in the home inverter battery space and are known for their quality product offering and exceptional customer care. Also, Luminous India offers one of the widest range of pure sine wave inverters which gives customers the option to choose an inverter that’s best suited for their home.
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