How to prepare a strong lineup for WoW PvP?
If you’re into PvP in World of Warcraft, you might already be aware of one of its biggest drawbacks. You have to have a strong roster of characters – just one won’t do. Whether it’s the arena or battlegrounds that you enjoy playing, this rule is the same for both. You either have a great lineup or you end up being frustrated with how weak you are. Why is that, you may wonder. And we’ll tell you more about the reasons for that below, as well as discuss the solutions to how to make it easier for yourself to build and maintain a strong team without spending too much time on it.
Why do you need more than one character for WoW PvP?
It would help to understand a couple of things about what WoW is by its nature. If your interest spans beyond solo content, you know that WoW is 2 things: it’s team-focused and role-focused. So most of the high-end things that you do involve a team that you are a part of. Each team has their separation of roles too. And those roles are distributed not arbitrarily but according to what character you have. The modern WoW has a very clear distinction between the roles. If you’re a holy paladin, you heal. All the damage that you do is fine but it’s negligible. If you’re a protection paladin, you tank. All the damage and healing that you can do, don’t matter much as there are other characters whose primary function is to heal and do damage. And so on. The idea is: you have your role, you focus on it only, and that role is defined by what your character is. If you stick to it, you can be a part of the team. If you don’t or if you don’t do your part well enough, you can’t.
So you might already be guessing where we’re driving at. The more characters you have, the more roles you can take and the more teams you can become a part of. Or the more valuable you can be for your only team. That’s all very well, of course, but why not just level up a druid and call it a day? A druid can be a tank (bear), a healer (tree), a ranged intellect-based DPS (moonkin), and a close-combat agility-based DPS (cat). What can beat that in terms of versatility?
Well, first of all, not everyone likes druids in terms of gameplay and many other things. Secondly, there’s this important thing that’s called meta. When it comes to PvE game modes, meta matters too, but it mostly does for the most competitive segments like Mythic raids and +20 and above Mythic Plus keys. Up to that point you can have fun with literally any class and spec. Of course, there are rare cases when a spec is so bad in the current patch, that you can’t join an LFR team without being laughed at, but such cases are rare indeed.
PvP is different. Meta there is everything. You can’t start your arena journey without a class that’s good this season. Well, in fact, you can – but it will be pain in the neck and you don’t want that. If these are your first steps in PvP, you will quite soon realize that your spec or class are just no good right now. That leads to people quitting PvP altogether and, well, they have a point. But in our view arenas and battlegrounds are just too good to be quit so easily. So let’s talk about the solutions.
What to do if your class is not good in PvP this season?
There are 2 primary ways to solve that:
- Get another character PvP-ready
- Find unorthodox ways to make your weak-class character stronger
The first one is quite straightforward: your class sucks? No problem, just level up another character with a stronger class and you’re good to go. The latter is less clear: if you really like the class you already have and you don’t care about the meta, you can look for ways to find a crucial advantage that will make up for the meta weakness. But what that advantage might be? It’s really hard to say since there are so many different approaches to that. You might spend days and nights learning the tiniest details of your class’ gameplay to make use of it all in your arena fights. Or you can just turn to pro players who will help you climb the ladder with literally any spec like no problem. You can check out ArmadaBoost’s WoW arena carry services to learn more about that. But let’s get back to our main topic: building a lineup.

What characters should I level up for the arena?
Naturally, you should check with the latest meta to make the right decision about that. First pick the role you’re most comfortable with and see who’s good for it this season. For example, you might be into agility-based melee characters. What will be your top pick this season? Druid, rogue, monk? Let this be your first pick: the comfortable role and the top choice according to meta.
Secondly, do some exploration. You might be a good melee DPS player but why not give a shot to something completely different? What about a caster? Consider having a new experience with another character. This will diversify your roster and you’ll find it easier to survive a meta change next season.
Once you’re through with that, you might consider deepening your lineup. Say, your main focus is melee DPS and your secondary focus is range DPS. Great, what now? Why not have 2 melee DPSs? Top-1 and top-2 this season are great choices. You’ll have twice as many chances to have a top meta spec next season.
What is the fastest way to level up a character for PvP?
There are many ways to level up alts fast but nothing compares to hiring a pro for a level boost. It’s fast, it’s cheaper than the official instant boost – but it’s not that instant, so to speak. It will take some time but you can request this power leveling to be done during your work hours so that you could play the game yourself in the evening while the pro will do their leveling in the morning and during the day. If you like how it sounds, you might want to check out the best WoW Powerleveling services in ArmadaBoost’s official catalog. You’ll find lots of attractive options at a great price there!
With a solid foundation in technology, backed by a BIT degree, Lucas Noah has carved a niche for himself in the world of content creation and digital storytelling. Currently lending his expertise to Creative Outrank LLC and Oceana Express LLC, Lucas has become a... Read more