5 Reasons Instagram is not Safe for Kids | TheWiSpy
Parents are always concerned about the safety of mental and physical health of their children. The new social media platform, Instagram, is emerging as one of the most popular applications among youngsters. But recent research is showing the negative impacts Instagram is applying on teens and young kids. Parents and health workers are demanding to limit its use and asking Facebook to take precaution measures in this regard. Top android spy apps can help you monitor your child’s online activities.
Teens are developing eating disorders, depression, and suicidal ideas. Wall street journal has been very vocal about it, and they have published the leaked documents of Facebook in this regard. The negative impact on teens is dangerous to the point that some of them have body image issues so severe that they have attempted suicide. The adverse effects are not only limited to girls, but 14 percent of boys also reported having awful feelings about themselves. They feel worthless and have a big desire of suicide over Instagram. The use of spyware apps can help you navigate through your child’s mental well-being by looking at their online affairs.
Instagram is Unsafe For Kids – 5 Primary Reasons:
A kid can face many dangers while staying continuously active on the social media app Instagram. Parents can monitor Instagram conversations using spyware. Out of those dangers, five are the primary reasons why Instagram is unsafe for our kids.
- Pressure to Look Perfect:
37 percent of teen girls feel the pressure to look their best online or offline due to excessive use of Instagram, but boys also feel the same. They think that the ability to be loved only depends on external factors like the way you look. Unfortunately, this has led many kids to spiral down to the hole of deep depression.
- Gleaming and Glittery Lifestyle:
Instagram is all about showing off the polished and perfect side of one’s life. You will never find any candid picture that is not close to perfect on Instagram. Beyond perfect images, Instagram feeds are so harmful that they embed superficial and artificial values into a child’s subconscious. 25 percent of the teens have said they feel they are no great shakes when they use the Instagram app.
- Addictive Interface:
Instagram is a very addictive platform. As a result, children may waste hours per day, and that time spent is generally fruitless. You can use spyware apps to monitor time your child is spending on the app. The artificial intelligence on such apps is designed to keep the user captive and scroll the pages. So much so that kids get hooked to the apps.
- Body Image:
Kids are developing a damaging sense of themselves. They are showing interest in getting cosmetic surgeries and going crazy about their body structures. Being careful about their eating habits is good, but indulging in fad diets and exercises is becoming the norm. Many kids reported that they feel unattracted, and this feeling began with the use of Instagram.
- Comparisons:
It is flourishing for kids’ development to engage in healthy competitions, but a constant unfavorable comparison can have destructive consequences to the booming self-esteem and social-emotional abilities. Instagram fosters envy and jealousy emotions in social comparison, and kids start to judge their capabilities, financial success, and aesthetics. You can monitor the Instagram conversation to get into the problematic details.
Precaution Steps:
Parents can take small steps to address the detrimental effects of Instagram on their kids. Some of them are listed below;
- Discuss the pitfalls of the social media app Instagram with your kids. And share with them about your experiences, the inappropriate material on your feed, and how to avoid it.
- Install a good android spy app to monitor what your child does online.
- Ask them to observe the type of posts which set off negative feelings in them.
- Some kids are hesitant in sharing the troubling issues regarding social media, fearing that their parents will take away all the mediums of their social activities. You can eliminate this feeling by giving them non-judgemental statements. Request them to show you how to use the app and ask who they follow and how they feel while using it.
- Notice their behavior towards other fellows. Uncontrolled envy towards a peer causes a series of depression that can rise underlying problems due to excessive social media use.
- Inform your child about the companies that pay an influencer to brag about their products. They make money by showing viewers their lifestyles.
- Open and non-judgmental discussions can weave a path for your child to trust and start communicating their problems. Give them confidence that their digital world will not be banned and show a sincere interest in their online activities.
- Tell them to follow comedians online who make social media criticism content.
- Parents need to ingrain the healthy values in their children to identify the lies told online.
- Provide your children with other beneficial and supporting options to hang out online with their friends.
Some Facts:
- A survey conducted in 2018 stated that every 7 kids out of 10 between 13 and 17 years use Instagram daily.
- 11 percent of children between the ages 9 and 11 use the platform Instagram.
- A total of 25.7 percent of the influx on Instagram belongs among 18 to 24 ageing groups.
- Teen girls and boys with the percentage of 60 and 40 respectively complained about the unfavorable comparisons on social media.
TheWiSpy – Control Instagram Usage:
The internal presentation given by Facebook revealed some disturbing facts that 6 percent of American Instagram users urged to kill themselves over Instagram.
Parents can control the burgeoning desire to suicide by monitoring the harmful side effects of the app.
Install TheWiSpy app on child’s Android device, and you can;
- Read Instagram chats
- Keep an eye on Instagram multimedia
- Get all the reports of Instagram activities
- Get remote access to their accounts
- Receive the Instagram usage report
If your child is misbehaving or you are getting constant complaints from teachers or other fellows, you may need to check the online activities your child is engaging in. With the use of insta spy, a parent can know real-time comments they are receiving online and check if it has anything to do with abnormal behavior. TheWiSpy app helps a parent to get a closer view of Instagram posts of their child, and they can see who their kid is following and followed by.
Immense use of Instagram can worsen the bad feelings. However, you can invest in the reliable spy apps for android phones to get a hold of your child’s life, and you can figure out the reason why he is unhappy all the time. Watching your child drown in depression is the worst feeling in the world. Instead, take your time out to focus on your child’s well-being and earn their trust. TheWiSpy app is an excellent Instagram spy app that can assist you in finding and resolving problematic issues in your child’s life.
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